Eugene Yard Photos
Page 4

July 24, 1957 view of the yard expansion taken from the east tower. 60 through 65 track have recently been completed in this view, the two cuts of ballast cars are in 64 and 63 tracks. 55 track is also in the process of being expanded. The two leads in the bottom of the photo lead to the new bowl.

July 24, 1957 view of the yard expansion showing a good view of the east (bottom) end of the 60 yard. The gons loaded with ties are on the new portion of 55 track.

July 24, 1957 view of the east end of the yard. In the right of the photo, the new bowl tracks are already being utilized. 60 through 65 track can be seen to the left of the bowl tracks, and a good shot of the incomplete sections of 60 and 55 track are in the distance.

© Joel Ashcroft